This Blog is set up to assist attorneys responding to various "Debt Elimination", "monetary protester", "money lent", "Modern Money Mechanics", "Mandrake Mechinism", "'The Creature from Jekyll island" and "militia" types of defenses to credit card accounts. Typically these defenses are based upon the Plaintiff not being a holder in due course, failure to prove that the Plaintiff uses "generally accepted accounting principles", the "FDCPA", and Fair Credit Billing Act. As I have time I will post

Monday, March 08, 2004

Terminate Debt - Eliminate Debt Completely: "Most judges' (reelections) are being heavily funded by the banks, so those judges don't want to rule in YOUR favor if there is ANY way around it.
How to ensure fair discovery - and other matters of due process.
Which forms and letters need to filed, with examples and instruction.
What to demand in your discovery and requests for admissions.
What laws FORCE them to 'grant' you fair and complete discovery? Or else!
How to Vacate a Void Judgment.
Q: What happens when a judge makes a ruling without subject matter jurisdiction?
A: That judge gives up his judicial immunity and discretion - and you can sue the judge! "


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