This Blog is set up to assist attorneys responding to various "Debt Elimination", "monetary protester", "money lent", "Modern Money Mechanics", "Mandrake Mechinism", "'The Creature from Jekyll island" and "militia" types of defenses to credit card accounts. Typically these defenses are based upon the Plaintiff not being a holder in due course, failure to prove that the Plaintiff uses "generally accepted accounting principles", the "FDCPA", and Fair Credit Billing Act. As I have time I will post

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Debt Elimination: "�Remove Negative Items From Your Report�
You�ve probably seen these headlines and others just like it promising to clean up or �fix� bad credit. For someone who suffers from a bad or poor credit rating, these headlines are certainly an appealing offer.
Imagine finally being able to buy that new car, get debt collectors off your back, and enjoy a new found freedom from your past debts.
Sound to good to be true ? It probably is. Once you fall prey to the credit repair offer and pay the hefty fees involved to clean up your record, here�s what happens"


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